Hi! My name is Sofie, and I’m a communications strategist, storyteller, and movement organizer.
I develop and deliver powerful messages and narratives that call people to action and build transformational political movements. A visionary optimist, I’m grounded in grassroots storytelling for compelling content in writing, in person, and through video.
From door-to-door fundraising as a teen and co-founding End Rape on Campus (passing Yes Means Yes legislation and priming the public for #MeToo) to leading press work at Sunrise Movement, I’ve done high-profile speaking, been published by NYTimes, Washington Post, The Guardian, and Teen Vogue, started a viral Twitter campaign, and created talking points, videos, strategies, and narratives for cultural change.
More recently, I’ve done communications work for groups including Showing Up for Racial Justice, Natural Resources Defense Council, Sunrise Movement, Green New Deal Network, Young Invincibles, and the Carolina Federation.